Data gathering
We establish transects for ecological characterisation of the palm communities where Aphandra natalia occurs.
Each transect measure 5 x 500 meters and is divided in 100 subunits of 5 x 5. In each subunit we register all palm indi-viduals, identify them to species and clas-sify each individual into one of the fol-lowing: seedling, juvenile, subadult, adult.
This data is compatible with other data-sates we have for palms in the Amazon region, and it will thus be appropriate for characterisation of the palm commu-nities relative to communities elsewhere in the region.
Preparing voucher specimens by the gleam of the flashlight. Nueve Porvenir, May 2004.
The species of palms found in the transects will be documented with voucher specimens that are deposited as permanent records in the herbaria in Iquitos and Aarhus.